Alex Mendel is hosting once again our now classic series of podcasts for the 9th edition of the Plein(s) Écran(s) festival. We chat about anything and everything, but especially about the secrets of short films creation with your favorite filmmakers, in a very mindful, and very demure ambiance.

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We chat about artistic approach, behind the scenes secrets and much more in this series of podcasts bringing together the filmmakers of the 8th edition of the festival. Hosted by Ariane Roy-Poirier and Alex Mendel, in a casual and relaxed ambience.

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Ariane Roy-Poirier is hosting daily discussions bringing together the festival’s filmmakers who will talk to us about cinema and everything related to it (including its secrets and never before told story)

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Our new General Director Ariane Roy-Poirier hosts this 2nd series of podcasts with the crème de la crème of Quebec short films talents. The filmmakers will tell us all about their films and their deep love for everything they represent.

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A short film festival on Facebook? A podcast? Filmmakers who are overflowing with talent? A podcast? Nicolas Krief whispering in your ears? A PODCAST!? Yes, everything, and more!

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TEASER – 9th Edition


Internet’s favorite Podcast is back on January 22 for even more fun than ever with host Alex Mendel and the filmmakers of the 9th edition of the Plein(s) Écran(s) festival.

DAY 0 – 9th Edition

Learn everything about our 9th edition with special guest and spokesman Jean-François Provençal, as well as Plein(s) Écran(s)’ very own Ariane Roy-Poirier.

DAY 1 – 9th Edition

We chat about puberty, renoviction, Detroit and Christian Bégin with Sandrine Brodeur-Desrosiers (Bail Bail), Nicolas Lachapelle (Zug Island), Alexandra Myotte & Jean-Sébastien Hamel (Un trou dans la poitrine) and Rodolphe Saint-Gelais (Les Fleurs Sauvages)

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DAY 0 – 8th Edition

Learn everything you need to know about our 8th edition with special guest Catherine Brunet!

DAY 1 – 8th Edition

We chat about censorship, imminent death, a bare chested Bernard Fortin and nosebleed with Justine Gauthier (À mort le bikini!), Raquel Sancinetti (Madeleine), Julien Falardeau (Moi Soleil) and Marie-Esther Durocher (Médium Saignant).

DAY 2 – 8th Edition

We chat about creative urgency, Cannes’ shrimp cocktails, sacrifices and “renovictions” with Will Niava (Element), Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre (La théorie Lauzon), Luis Molinié (Mamita) and Alexandre Thériault (Soup is good food).

DAY 3 – 8th Edition

We chat about mayo on poutine, twins, robot voices and the city of Laval with Justine Martin (Oasis), Garance Chagnon-Grégoire (Les Roteuses), Jean-François Leblanc (Virga) and Alexia Roc (Bergen, Norvège).

DAY 6 – 8th Edition

We chat about the Magdalen Islands, provocative music, Pessamit, electoral campaigns, childhood homes and method acting with Zoé Pelchat (Gaby Les Collines), Isabelle Kanapé (Miliku Tshishutshelimunuau) and Antoine Foley-Dupont (Les Escaliers Sont En Papier).

DAY 7 – 8th Edition

We chat about ethics, entourage, Madame Cerceau, dancing, Jacques Demy and authenticity with Gabrielle Demers (Nuit Blonde), Laurence Gagné-Frégeau (Cherry), Amélie Hardy (Notes sur la mémoire et l’oubli) and Axel Robin (Au-delà du hors-champ).

DAY 8 – 8th Edition

We chat about skateboarding, seasickness, motorbikes and ants with Virgile Ratelle (Summer Nights), Arnaud Beaudoux (Agonie), Max Vannienschoot (Oskar) and Carole Nguyen (Nanitic).

DAY 9 – 8th Edition

We chat about huis clos, Egyptian rap, running and opera with Ginger Le Pêcheur (Reste), Aziz Zoromba (Simo), Catherine Boivin (6 minutes/km) and Benoit Massé (Yvon / L’éternel).

DAY 10 – 8th Edition

We chat about dive bars, birds, safe spaces, traumas, and the beauty of love with Audrey Nantel-Gagnon (Fire-Jo-Ball), Emilie Mannering (À la vie à l’amor), Namaï Kham Po (L’atelier) and Matthew Wolkow (Procès verbal).

Presented by:

DAY 1 – 7th Edition

We chat about stereotypical characters with Rachel Graton (Suzanne et Chantal), relaxation spaces with Amélie Hardy (La vie heureuse), personal adaptations with Alexandre Lefebvre (Tétanos) and short film as an art form.

DAY 2 – 7th Edition

We chat about collaboration in the documentary world with Guillaume Fournier (Belle River), play VS. screenwriting with Clara Prévost (L’un l’autre), portraying death on the big screen with Marilyn Cooke (Pas de fantôme à la morgue) and short film as a sandbox.

DAY 3 – 7th Edition

We chat about comedy’s place in movies with Alec Pronovost (Piscine Pro), the power of certain locations with Franie-Éléonore Bernier (Fond Bleu), black representation in cinema with Nadia Louis-Desmarchais (Nid d’oiseau) and the challenges that come of a self-produced short film.

DAY 4+5 – 7th Edition

We chat about discovering Georgia with Toby Andris (Chiatura) and the wonderful short selection of our Carte Blanche with Off-Courts Trouville’s Émilie Moreault.

DAY 6 – 7th Edition

We chat about the urgency to create with Julie Roy (10 femmes au téléphone), working with nature with avec Clara Milo (Aska), conversations with death with Colin Nixon (In the jam jar) and taking risks to fuel creativity.

DAY 7 – 7th Edition

We chat about identity as a theme with Jacob Khayat (In foetu), meeting the Innu community with Gabriel Allard Gagnon (Sikiitu), filming with children’s with Salomé Villeneuve (III) and constraints that come with the short film format.

DAY 8 – 7th Edition

We chat about location as a character with Eli Jean Tahchi (Des voisins dans ma cour), creative improv with Alexandra Myotte (Pas de titre), news stories as a source of inspiration with Simon Laganière (Mimine) and how to inject honesty in a creative endeavour.

DAY 9 – 7th Edition

We chat about casting, comedy and short film financing with director Nicolas Krief and producer Julie Groleau (Opération Carcajou)

DAY 10 – 7th Edition

We chat about movies as a therapeutic experience, diversity, and celebrating the little things with Maxime Robin (La main gauche) and Jorge Camarotti (Ousmane)!

Presented by:

21 – NAMUR – Spotlight on Belgian cinema

FIFF Namur’s programmers Hélène Lambert and Anaïs Boudry chat about their festival and the six movies that were chosen to showcase the richness and originality of Belgian short films. National cinema, endearing losers, intense emotions and authenticity are on the menu!

22 – JOUTEL – Magical realism and Quebec cinema’s royalty

It’s always a real pleasure to chat about cinema with Pierre Curzi and Marie Tifo, legends of the Quebec cinematographic landscape. Together with director Alexa-Jeanne Dubé, they talk to us about magical realism, tasty dialogues, inspirations and the way Alexa-Jeanne tried to have fun with the medium.

23 – MONSIEUR CACHEMIRE – Captain twist : from sketch comedy to the big screen

Screenwriter and comic book artist Samuel Cantin tells us about letting go, working with actors, his creative process how this conceptual idea of an extreme mystery shopper became an exploration of characters who become more complex from one twist to the next.

24 – Y’A PAS D’HEURE POUR LES FEMMES – Mirror, mirror, tell me who should I vote for!

Director Sarra El Abed made many promises to her producer Isabelle Grignon-Francke to convince her to travel to Tunis to film her grandmother’s hair salon during the 2019 presidential elections… and the bet paid off! They talk about the challenges of this shoot, but especially about the beautiful surprises and magical moments they spent with these endearing women.

25 – COMME UNE COMÈTE – Roadtrip and confidences

What better way to explore actor direction than a road trip with the three actors in her film? That’s what director Ariane Louis-Seize and actress Marguerite Bouchard talk about in this episode, as well as the audition process, Marguerite’s leather pants, the chemistry between the trio of actors and some juicy stories!

26 – FRAGMENTS – Poetry and representation

Director Aline Sitoé-N’Diaye talks about the importance of creating a film centered around a Senegalese family and the Encre Noire program that allowed her to make Fragments. She tells us how she found the breathtaking Luzmiellis and why she absolutely wanted her film to immerse us into the imagination of a child.

27 – LE DANGER EN FACE – Inner voice and and confettis

Director Alexis Chartrand, an avid comic book reader, tells us how the idea to adapt the graphic novel Danger public came to be. With producer Patrick Francke-Sirois, they tell us how they accomplished this technical feat while keeping a smile on everyone’s face (by sleeping in the studio among other things) and the pleasure of working with an all-star cast!

28 – CATCALLS – Men are dogs, literally

*Rejoice, this one’s in English! Co-directors Anna Berezowsky and Laura Stewart share how they came up with the idea of staging real-life stories of street harassment with cat and dog puppets. They also reveal the secrets behind the creation of each character and talk about the challenges of making stop-motion animation as a duo.

29 – ÉCUME – When men are angry

Director Omar Elhamy and co-writer Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr transport us into their unique creative process as they chat about casting, improvisation, sound design, visual inspirations, writing as a threesome and how Omar wanted to make a film about solidarity and male vulnerability by surrounding himself with the people that he loves.

30 – LUNE – Anatomy of an endearing character

Director Zoé Pelchat and actress Joanie Martel talk to us about Babz Dubreuil, the meeting that inspired them to create this endearing character, their thoughts on social reintegration and the importance of putting dignity at the center of the film.

31 – LOVE-MOI – Love me less, but love me always

Director Romane Garant-Chartrand and her muse, Laetitia, tell us about the importance of their relationship, the cathartic experience that was the making of this documentary and the quest for love that runs through Love-moi! We challenge you not to fall under the spell of these two incredible young women.

32 – TRANCHE DE NUIT – Manifesto for nonconformism in cinema

*1992 called, they want to take back their bad audio quality (sorry) Screenwriter Félix Poirier tells about about his deepest desire to never have to work and how it inspired this unique film about idleness. With co-director Romain F. Dubois, they talk to us about poetry, the importance of words, the pleasure of working with actors as good as Yves Jacques and the need for more boldness in cinema.

33 – FRIMAS – Women’s militant cinema

Director Marianne Farley is passionate about the message conveyed in her film. She wanted it to be, above all, the story of a woman like any other. A fascinating and sensitive discussion on the condition of women in cinema.

34 – LOINTAIN – Omar in four seasons

For his first documentary, director Aziz Zoromba chose to film his protagonist from afar over four seasons as he tries to reconnect with his mother. With his sound designer Sacha Ratcliffe, they explain the creative process that allowed them to formally represent distance in the film and the thousand and one challenges that came with filming with a small crew.

35 – PHARMAKON – Bromance, experimentation and magic mushroom

Director Jean-Martin Gagnon and screenwriter Simon Landry-Désy are like an old couple, they chat about their long-standing collaboration, their desire to take risks with each new project and the fun they while making Pharmakon, trying to take the viewer on the mush trip of a lifetime!

36 – AU PLAISIR LES ORDURES ! – Christmas or political satire? Why not both! – Film de Noël ou satire politique? Pourquoi pas les deux!

Did the entire film crew catch COVID? Did the Prime Minister really invite garbage collectors to dinner? Did Guillaume Laurin choose his haircut? Did director Romain Dumont babysit Caroline Dhavernas’ baby in exchange for her participation in the film? Is the film lit only by candlelight? Listen now to find out!

37- DIEU@MAIL.COM – Hell is the first draft

Director Roger Gariépy fulfills his promise to make one film a year until his death for our greatest pleasure. With editor Sophie Leblond, who sees in the film a tribute to work and faith, they talk about the trauma of the first draft, the challenges of editing and their meeting with Robert Lalonde, who literally laid himself bare from the very first scene!

38 – L’ENFANT-TEMPÊTE – The Great Ice Storm of 1998, revised and reformed

Director Ines Guennaoui took the gamble of retelling the Great Ice Storm through the eyes of a child by shooting their film in Montreal in May. With their producer Charles-André Coderre, they tell us about the many challenges they encountered, including building the perfect Algerian family and working with non-actors.

39 – IN THE SHADOW OF THE PINES – I wish I could talk with my dad

*Rejoice, this one’s in English! Director Anne Koizumi tells us about her approach to filmmaking, the meticulous work of frame-by-frame animation and the therapeutic aspect of making this film that explores her relationship with her father. Get your tissues ready, it’s an emotional episode.

40 – LES GRANDES CLAQUES – First official Steve Laplante’s Fan club meeting

Director Annie St-Pierre has nothing but praise for actor Steve Laplante, and we’re all for it! We chat about nostalgia, excessive Christmas parties, casting, working with child actors and we laugh (a little bit too hard). Join the club!

41 – THEY’RE HERE – For the love of genre cinema

Director Sid Zanforlin and producer Patricia Gomez Zlatar chat about their creative match made in heaven, their love for horror movies, the challenges that came with this film and the pleasures of practical VFX.

42 – ANIKSHA – Mauritius, my love

Through Aniksha’s quest for identity, torn between modernity and tradition, director Vincent Toi tells us about his birth country, Mauritius. Neeshi Beeharry brilliantly embodies this character and both tell us about their meeting and how it fueled the film.

43 – JONTAE – A meeting with himself

Co-director Siam Obregon and Kyana Lyne were deeply inspired by the energy of dancer and choreographer Jontae McCrory, the star of this film. We chat about resilience, their creative encounter and abandonment in this heart-to-heart conversation about the difficult context in which they carried out this very personal project between experimental and documentary cinema.

44 – L’ABAT – How to create chaos for dummies

Director Olivier Côté tells us about how he used his personal stories to build Jules’ character, brilliantly played by Édouard Grenier-Tremblay. They chat about how they first met, the movies and music that inspired the vibe of the film and how they manage to create such chaos while still having fun.

Presented by:


Who brought the idea? Why was the festival called Plein(s) Écran(s)? How did Jean-Christophe managed to get in touch with Facebook? Discover everything on the creation of the festival with this special episode hosted exceptionally by Catherine Legaré-Pelletier.

02 – DETI – A guided tour in Prague

Director Romane Garant-Chartrand tells us how she met the two children that gave us a guided tour in Prague, and director of photography Benjamin Gagné recounts how the idea of filming form a child pov came about.

03 – JE FINIRAI EN PRISON – Housewife on the run

Director Alexandre Dostie is constantly haunted by his Beauce origins, which he uses as a character in his film and by his mother, but not at all in the same way! Hany Ouichou is also with us to bring light to the challenges that come with filming outside during our cold Canadian winters.

04 – SAINT-TITE – Emotional rodeo

Director Florence Pelletier is a regular at Quebec rodeos! With Sam Trudelle, her director of photography, she explains of the documentary vision came before the fictional one for this western inspired family-centered film.

05 – UN FILM DE POMPIERS – You can’t spell firefighters without fire

In this slice of life film, director Louis Lachance and editor Esther Lesvesque wanted to show the real face of local firefighters, beyond the cliche of the sexy calendar man and the dangerous fires.

06 – LANDGRAVES – An interview with a metal band and a missing toe

Director Jean-François Leblanc and screenwriter Alexandre Auger admit to playing with the rules of the thriller and horror genre to make the viewer complicit in their film inspired by a VICE documentary in which a metal band kidnaps a journalist in mysterious circumstances.

07 – AUJOURD’HUI OU JE MEURS – Cinema in an era of social media

Actress Émilie Bierre and director Kristina Wagenbauer recount the filming process of the film, which was first requested as a carte blanche for the FNC. Even if she was told she could do whatever she wanted, Kristina gave herself some rules to follow : 1 location, no artificial lighting, a classic narrative and characters written via a fictional conversation on messenger.

08 – PARC A CHATS – When cats dream of having a dog’s life

Director Rachel Samson, who previously won the Jury’s choice Award with Parlons Ergonomie in 2020, is back this year with a movie about cats… that dream of living like dogs? Seriousness is out the wind for this film that was first created for Fantasia’s audience.

09 – NITRATE – Chemistry in the service of cinema

Director Yousra Benziane tells us all about Nitrate, a chemical component used in bombs, fireworks and even movie making! A spectacle on the fine line between fascination and morbidity, with a creation as layered as it can be.

10 – LA MARISOL – Modern day pirate

Director Vincent Plourde-Lavoie first met his protagonist by accident, and immediately fell in love with him. If you miss travelling, this episode will bring you right back to the Chilean Islands.

11 – MELOPÉE – Never listen to a mermaid’s song

Do you happen to know how much time it takes to build a giant puppet? Director Alexis Fortier-Gauthier and editor Myriam Magassouba talk about the strangeness and ambiance of this unique genre/auteur film.

12 – NO CRYING AT THE DINNER TABLE – But everybody still cried in the end

Director Carol Nguyen captures something special with her award-winning short, exploring the themes of mourning and identity through the testimonies of her family. Who knew a film so personal could be relatable to so many.

13 – SDR – The extraordinary banality of a break up

Director and co-screenwriter Alexa-Jeanne Dubé proposes a bold concept as she decides to adapt a sad erotic short story written by Marjorie Armstrong to the screen while following the rules of an ASMR video.

14 – CELLE QUI PORTE LA PLUIE – The pig’s in the room

Director Marianne Métivier took inspiration in the death of her father in this dreamlike personal drama. Editor Amélie Hardy is also with us to talk about her work on the movie and how the rain came to be.

15 – CLEBS – Filming with a small crew (except for the 750 dogs)

Filming in a shelter with 750 barking dogs can be quite the challenge! Director Halima Ouardiri tells us all about her trip to Morocco and how she came back to Quebec with 20 hours of footage for her editor Xi Feng, who was left with some difficult decisions.

16 – JARVIK – Directing a film and its actors

Director Emilie Mannering chats about her preference for directing over screenwriting, the family theme that is explored in her film and her experience of working with young actors with Sarianne Cormier.

17 – UN GORILLE DANS LE PLACARD – Kino, a lifestyle

How can you make a movie with no stage and no sound recording? Director Rémi Fréchette keeps surprising us even with his 103rd movie. Listeners beware, his next project is rumoured to be a Sasquatch musical (sounds fun)!

18 – GOODBYE GOLOVIN – Tomorrow never waits

Mathieu Grimard and Simon Corriveau-Gagné chat about their filming in Ukraine. What inspired them to travel so far, with no money, to shoot their first short film? Something as crazy as it is beautiful, a journey that spurs the willingness to take risks.

19 – JO – Shining a light on a shadow worker

Director Carmen Rachiteanu wanted to give a voice to a protagonist who had a story to tell without judgement and a hint of self-mockery. How can you build the kind of trust that can make a stranger open up about their private life? With a cup of coffee of course!

20 – CAYENNE – Discomfort and ambiguity

It’s not easy to make a movie that deals with a subject as delicate as women’s fear of being attacked. Director Simon Gionet and actress Marianne Fortier talk about the methods used to make us feel the complexity of such situation. An interesting subject, especially following the wave of denunciations that came about in 2020.

Presented by: